ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

$19.95 - $72.95

Brysiwch! Yn union 8 eitemau ar ôl mewn stoc

A all bronnau llai effeithio ar hyder personol a chysylltiadau rhamantus? Llun yn teimlo'n llai hyderus ac yn cyfyngu ar eich dewisiadau dillad yn ystod eiliadau agos. Yn syndod, gall hwb cymedrol o 20% ym maint y fron roi hwb i hunan-barch. Rhowch y Patch Gwella BustGlow ATTDX, dewis arall naturiol a diogel i lawdriniaeth neu dabledi. Gwella eich hunan-sicrwydd a swyn yn ddiymdrech! 

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

Beth sy'n achosi bronnau bach?

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

Small breast size can be attributed to a combination of factors, primarily influenced by genetics and hormonal dynamics. Genetics play a pivotal role, with family history often reflecting breast size tendencies. During puberty, hormonal changes, particularly in estrogen and progesterone levels, determine breast development, and a hormonal imbalance can lead to smaller breasts. Weight loss, which primarily affects the fatty tissue in breasts, can also result in reduced breast size. Additionally, factors like aging, pregnancy, medical conditions, and medications can all contribute to variations in breast size. It’s essential to recognize that breast size varies naturally among individuals, and what’s considered small or large is highly subjective.

How does the ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch benefit you?

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

Beyond genetics, hormones, especially estrogen, play a vital role in determining female breast size during puberty. The intricate interplay of estrogen and other hormones contributes significantly to the ultimate shape and size of the breasts, making it a captivating facet of female development. In the realm of female growth, where hormones exert their influence on breast size, ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch truly stands out. This remarkable patch accomplishes three key objectives: enhancing blood circulation, promoting breast tissue growth, and increasing collagen in the breast area. The outcome? A remarkable 23.5% enhancement in natural breast size, paving the way for increased self-confidence and empowerment on your journey.

 Amsugno maetholion ardderchog

Trwy eu gweithredu synergaidd, mae'r cynhwysion hyn yn sianelu maetholion hanfodol yn uniongyrchol i feinwe'r fron yn effeithlon, gan frolio cyfradd amsugno anhygoel o 99%. Mae'r gyfradd amsugno eithriadol hon yn sicrhau bod y maetholion yn cael eu defnyddio'n llawn, gan wneud y gorau o'u gallu i wella maint ac ymddangosiad y fron.

Rheoleiddio hormonaidd

Mae hopys a Fenugreek yn helpu i gydbwyso hormonau a hyrwyddo twf naturiol meinwe'r fron, gan arwain at gynnydd cyfartalog mewn llawnder a siâp un maint cwpan dros gyfnod o 4 wythnos, sy'n wirioneddol ryfeddol.

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

Colagen a hydradiad

Mae Ascorbyl glucoside a hyaluronate sodiwm yn cynyddu cynhyrchiad colagen o 50% rhyfeddol ac yn gwella lleithder y croen o dros 60%, gan arwain at fronnau llyfnach, cadarnach a mwy ifanc.

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch

ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch a'i Brif Gynhwysion

  1. Hopys

Gyda'u cyfansoddion tebyg i estrogen, gall hopys hybu twf meinwe'r fron, gan arwain at fronnau llawnach a mwy siâp.

  1. Ffenigrig

Yn helaeth mewn ffyto-estrogenau, mae ffenigrig yn helpu i gynnal cydbwysedd hormonaidd, gan wella maint a chadernid y fron yn y pen draw.

  1. Glwcosid Ascorbyl

Fel deilliad o fitamin C, mae ascorbyl glucoside yn cefnogi iechyd y croen ac elastigedd, gan arwain at ymddangosiad llyfnach a mwy ifanc.

  1. Hyaluronate sodiwm

Mae hyaluronate sodiwm yn hydradu ac yn lleithio'r croen yn effeithiol, gan arwain at well ansawdd croen ac ymddangosiad gwell yn gyffredinol.

Small to breathtaking: Linnea’s ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch success story!

 Wythnos 1

“Small breasts were my secret insecurity that affected my confidence and even my dating experience. I remember feeling insecure on the beach and avoiding certain outfits. Then I discovered the ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch.”


Wythnos 4

“Fast forward to week 4, and I only used 4 boxes of ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch. I couldn’t believe the changes. My once hesitant looks in the mirror turned to admiration. My favorite dress now fits better than ever, and my chest size increased by 5 cm. A friend even asked me if I had gone to the gym – the change was that noticeable.”

Wythnos 10

“I had used 10 boxes and felt like a new person. But what really amazed me was my partner’s reaction. The newfound confidence not only rubbed off on my appearance, but also brought a spark back into our love life, thanks to a notable 2 cup increase in my bra size. I plan to continue using ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch in the future to see even more improvements.

Sut i Ddefnyddio

  1. Paratowch y ffabrig heb ei wehyddu
  2. Piliwch y mwgwd bron oddi wrth ei gefn
  3. Rhowch y mwgwd bron a'r ffabrig heb ei wehyddu gyda'i gilydd
  4. Rhowch nhw ar y bronnau
  5. Arhoswch i'r hanfod gael ei amsugno a thynnwch y mwgwd pan ddaw'n denau

Peidiwch â chopi testun!
ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch
ATTDX BustGlow EnhancementPatch
$19.95 - $72.95 Dewiswch opsiynau